san francisco


You will be expected to submit activity at the end of month. Activity posts are put up at 12am on the first and completed at 12am on the second. If your character is not up in that time frame, it will be removed. Each character is repsonsible for two journal entries and one thread. The thread does not have to be completed but there does need to be at least five comments per character. Journal entries can be instagram/twitter posts, narravtives, diary posts, and character updates/aim chats. Threads can be threaded on character journals or a scene on aim. If you wish work done under a custom to be included in activity, please filter it so the mod journal can see it.


Register a journal in IC format (~patrickhenry) or OOC format (~givemeliberty). Each player may have as many as six characters. Please be mindful of your load. If we notice you routinely asking for extensions on activity or slacking with community interaction, we may discourage any future additional characters. This can change, of course, with a few solid activity checks. If hiatus is needed, please drop us a comment in the drop box.

Along with the information listed on the application, we expect a substantial history. This means having 4-5 paragraphs or a list of 15 facts. For examples, we would like to see two journal entries and two threads or narratives. Either of these can be scenes or interations done on AIM. Upon acceptance, each member is given one week to make their introduction. Failure to introduce your character will result in removal.


If there are OOC issues that need to be resolved with help, please drop a comment to the mod drop box and we will do our best to help mediate. Don't forget to check the friends page and no God Modding. Aim is not necessary but you may have it. If wanted, you can have an sn for each character or have the same one for all of them.